MM Mining is a USA-based gold and diamond mining company operating in Zambia. We earned a reputation as a specialist in open pit and shallow underground gold, diamond, and copper mining. Our company also produces and processes coal products for international markets. MM Mining is an American company with branches in Zambia led by CEO Mr. Kamin Marcxell. We are involved in the rehabilitation of mined lands, focusing on water conservation and recycling in its Lusaka mines.

MM Mining is a producer of gold, diamonds, and other minerals on our own sites. We are a seller and producer of raw materials. Our company is an independent gold, diamond, and copper mining company with a diversified, high-quality portfolio of operations, projects, and exploration activities worldwide. While gold and diamonds are our primary products, we also produce other materials as by-products. MM Mining is constantly researching value creation opportunities in other minerals, leveraging our existing assets, skills, and experience to enhance wealth generation.

At MM Mining we understand the enormous amount of working logistics that go into mine operating. We provide professional and prompt mining contracting services. Our company has the expertise and resources to undertake surface and hard rock mining.

Every service provided at MM Mining has been tried and tested. Our skills-based and on-site experience guarantee a project that will run at a profit and exploit the best possible advantage of every shaft and excavation. In addition, we do not consider any job as “small” and take as much pride in sweeping and vamping as we do with vital excavations and development. Our work ethic, combined with years of hard-earned experience, is applied with precision on every project that we embark on.

MM Mining offers comprise project management, mine design, planning and engineering, and operating of mining activities of any shape or form.

Project Management

MM Mining specializes in greenfield implementation projects and has the flexibility to integrate with the client team during the implementation process, as well as an option to conduct site-based management. Contracts may be carried out as turnkey or as construction management projects.

MM Mining project management capability extends to the following services:

Scope planning, definition and control

Schedule development

Resource planning, cost estimating / budgeting

Procurement planning, execution and control

Cost control and analysis

Risk management planning and control

Safety management planning and control

Quality planning and control

Communications planning and execution (performance reporting)

Human resources planning and control

Project integration management

MM Mining provides project control services that can deliver projects on track, on time, and on budget. We integrate planning, scheduling, cost control, and status reporting functions to simplify project management and administration.

surface mining

MM Mining personnel have a strong operational and technical background and have gained substantial experience in mines employing a multitude of mining methods, exploiting all commodities on more than one continent. As a result, MM Mining‘s solutions and advice are not only practical and workable, but take account of appropriate geotechnical, hydrogeological, economic, and environmental considerations. Our services cover scoping, pre-feasibility and feasibility studies, as well as economic evaluations, detailed mine design and layouts, production scheduling and equipment selection, operating cost estimates, and capital expenditure estimates.

MM Mining employs an innovative and rigorous mine planning methodology that results in a comprehensive technical report inclusive of the life-of-mine plan and techno-economic model for any given mineral resource. This methodology focuses on pit optimization to determine the cut-off strategy, economic mining depth, size, and scale of operation. We are dedicated to identifying the best option for project development and producing client-focused solutions to technical challenges.

With the growing need to bring projects into production more quickly and on budget, we can accelerate the process for mining companies by supplying quality consultants associated with MM Mining to supplement the client’s technical resources to achieve the desired outcomes within the project timeframe. Our personnel will ensure appropriate decisions to guide project development and are committed to reviewing aspects of project advancement, which can be done in parallel to minimize the risk of any rework.

The full range of studies from scoping to detailed feasibility

Mine planning reviews and technical audits

Development and implementation of optimal mining strategies

Operational assistance, reviews and improvements

Financial evaluations

Risk analyses

Project reviews

Due Diligence Investigations

Reclamation of surface sand, slime and rock dumps

Demolishing and rehabilitation of processing plants

Opencast operations - drilling, blasting, loading and hauling

Rehabilitation of slime and sand dumps

Loading and transport

All labour hire for above as required by mine

Actual physical mining

Carrying out all of the above as mine contractors to deliver the desired product on time and at the agreed price

underground mining

The MM Mining methodology focuses on understanding the complete mining context or characteristics of the deposit. This understanding is fundamental to selecting the appropriate mining method and establishing a robust mine plan. The design of stop blocks using the appropriate cut-off grades and minimum mining widths is followed by optimized production and development schedule. All mine design and schedule opportunities are left open until an optimized plan is defined.

We recognize the constant need to match changing commodity prices and capital costs with appropriate responses from mining operations: reduction in operating and/or capital costs when prices fall and increasing capacity when prices rise. MM Mining also understands the socio-economic implications of mining operations and addresses these in our strategic planning.

We are focused on producing mine designs and schedules that make the most effective use of mine capital in both short and longer-term time frames. We can assist companies in optimizing the transition from open pit to underground mining by offering a thorough analysis of the appropriate cross-over depth and presenting highly mechanized and often automated solutions.

Whether optimizing an existing operation or deciding how to extract a new deposit, MM Mining can help to ensure that appropriate solutions are understood and implemented.

Mining methods selection

Complete mine design

Development and production scheduling including sequence optimization

Geotechnical characterisation

Ground support system design

Equipment selection

Engineering studies (from scoping to feasibility)

Drill and blast design

Strategic planning: cut-off grade and production rate analysis

Fragmentation analysis and draw control for caving operations

Backfill system design

Risk analysis and management

Due Diligence Investigations

Ventilation system design

Operational review and assistance

Incline shafts and incline service way

Incline shaft sinking and equipping

Rehabilitation of service inclines and equipping of incline

Vertical shaft support and equipping

Shaft restoration and equipping

All stopping operations

All labour hire for above as required by mine

Actual physical mining

Carrying out all of the above as mine contractors to deliver the desired product on time and at the agreed price


John Kamin Marcxell

Olaf Schmid